[24 -point set] Toyo Fisheries Maru -chan Yakisoba Bento Hokkaido Limited Assortment! Eating comparison 4 points each local yakisoba [Home Shopping Original flavored seaweed]

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* There is a possibility that the manufacturer's side will be sold and switched to new products, and the contents of the image and explanation will be changed to a different taste (new product) yakisoba lunch.・ Yakisoba Bento Bento Bento Tamako -flavored chicken chicken and vegetable flavors with a faint buttery flavor. With consomme soup.・ Yakisoba Bento A spicy yakisoba lunch finished with multiple spices based on a spicy sauce. With dry spice and consomme soup.・ Yakisoba Bento is a slightly sweet sauce flavored soba that does not get tired. With special Chinese soup.・ Yakisoba Bento Ripples A sweet sauce A smooth and elastic noodle with a thick noodle with fruity and dates fruity and rich sauce. 〇 “green onion salted” green onion flavored oil and sesame oil flavor are characterized by garlic and ginger. 〇 "Gargin garlic soy sauce" This is a comparison assorted set of 4 pieces of soy sauce sauce -like liquid sauce with a strong punchy flavor based on the richness and umami of pork onion and pork! 6 months from the date of manufactureHokkaido
2,850 JPY
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No -brand product