[Amazon limited brand] Hakubaku SMILEGRAINS Mochi 800g x 3 bags

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Product Introduction "Mochi" is a mochi barley, just like Uluchi rice and mochi rice in rice. It features a sticky texture and a fragrant taste compared to Ulchi barley. Mochi wheat rich in "dietary fiber", which has begun to be reviewed in recent years, as food is progressing. It contains two types of water -soluble dietary fiber, and is said to be twice the amount of burdock than 25 times brown rice as white rice. (Survey of Hakubaku) 2.3g of dietary fiber can be supplemented with one cup of bowl (about 30 % cooked about 150g). The only way to cook is to mix it easily with the washed rice. Easy and delicious and healthy. Please try the taste that will be a mochi wheat rice. Energy per 100g 339kcal protein 9.5g 1.6g carbohydrate 78.1g (sugar 65.2g dietary fiber 12.9g) Salt equivalent 0 ~ 0.05g raw material / ingredients barley barley (US or Canada or other) How to use rice Make it water. 2 Add mochi and water. 3 Stir lightly and cook rice. * This product does not need to be washed with water. Note (exemption)> Please be sure to read the storage of barley raw materials for storage and transportation facilities for wheat.
832 JPY
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