[Cool delivery] Eating Kizamiwasabi

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Eating Kizamiwasabi [Souvenirs of Shinshu Azumino] Kizamiwasabi is tasty, so please eat it directly to fish and meat dishes. Contents 1 bottle 100g Preservation method Wasabi amino acid Liquid, liquid sugar soy sauce Fermented seasoning fermented seasoning for vegetable oil and bonito (amino acids, etc.) Sake oligosaccharide Salbit groovit grown sugar flavored cellulose fillet coloring coloring color (yellow 4 blue 1) (including wheat in part of the raw material) * The product factory also manufactures products that include wheat peanut peanuts.
297 JPY
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Shinshu Nagano souvenir acorn Nagano

Shinshu Nagano souvenir acorn Nagano