Born in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture in 1960. The exquisite taste of the golden soup that spreads out in the mouth and the noodles is still inherited as it is, and it is crowded with young and old customers every day. Raw ingredients / ingredients ● Raw ingredients NoodlesFlour flour salt and saline Yellow pigment soupanimal oils and fats pork extract Daddy vegetable extract extract beef beef beef bin dried egg gelatin flavored oil gelatin flavored garlic bay konbu extract seasoning (amino acids etc.) Kuchinashi caramel) antioxidant (V.E) Fenzy (containing wheat sesame soybeans in a part of the raw material) Ingredientsgreen onionbudow sugar preservation methodSave at room temperature, avoiding direct sunlight and humidity. Legendary soup that shines golden. The taste of Tokushima's famous restaurant is expensive! ! How to use it was born in Naruto City, Tokushima Prefecture. The exquisite taste of the golden soup that spreads out in the mouth and the noodles is still inherited as it is, and it is crowded with young and old customers every day.