[Ishio Series] Kagoshima Prefecture broccoli is powdered (powder) with a stone mill 100 grams without additives

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The material of the broccoli from Kagoshima Prefecture was powdered with a stone mortar so that it would not be used. In order to make it easier to dissolve, it is finished with a sieve in the very fine size of about 0.3 mm square. The broccoli is very effective for the amount of vitamin C and more lemon, so it is a very effective vegetable for the amount to be eaten. A lot of folic acid is also included. Because it is a fine particle, please mix it with natto, miso soup, vegetable soup, or mix with noodles such as udon, or mix with okonomiyaki or hamburger. Even if you cook it in a fried egg or steamed bread, you can enjoy it nutritiously and delicious.
650 JPY
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Nagano Shoten

Nagano Shoten