[Official] Amami Natural Food Honpo Amami Vinegar 700ml Delicious Drinking Vinegar [No additive -free chemical seasonings] Brewing vinegar

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Amami Kigi vinegar made using Amami Oshima "Sato Kibi" in Kagoshima Prefecture. It is a fermented vinegar that is fermented without using any special product additives of ancient traditions that have a long history in the Amami Islands.
Nutritional component display (per 100g)
28 kcal / protein 0.1g / lipid 0.1g / carbohydrate equivalent 0g / calcium 12.7 mg / Magnesium 12.6 mg / potassium 1977 ㎎
polyphenol 60㎎ (Survey of the Japanese Food Analysis Center)
● No synthetic coloring or preservatives are used. ● After opening, be sure to seal it and keep it in a cool and dark place such as a refrigerator and enjoy it as soon as possible.
* Due to the characteristics of the product, the sediment may occur or the color may be slightly different, but there is no problem with the quality.
1,250 JPY
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Amami Natural Food Honpo

Amami Natural Food Honpo