[Uchitomi Nori Store] Sugi Blue Norihara Algae 12g [Aquarium] [Kochi Prefecture] [Shunan City, Yamaguchi Prefecture] [Rare]

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Caution (exemption)> Please read> A blue glue that absorbs plenty of deep marine water and sunlight, which contains abundant nutrients in the sea at the production facility of Cape Muroto located in the eastern part of Kochi prefecture. That is "Muroto Marine Deep Deep Water Blue Sori". The harvest season is limited in winter (November to March) in natural blue glue and blue seaweed in the river, while deep -sea water cultivation keeps the water temperature constant, so it can be harvested regardless of the season. As with natural blue glue, it is rich in calcium and vitamins, which are often deficient in modern people, so you can enjoy blue glue full of good ingredients all year round. Moreover, the taste is rich in the blue glue, especially the seeds of Sujia Onori, which is considered to have a good flavor and fragrance, so the taste is rich. Since it is not processed into powdered, you can enjoy the fragrance that spreads out in the mouth until it is full.
594 JPY
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Uchitomi seaweed store

Uchitomi seaweed store