A specialty spice & oil curry flakes x 4 pieces

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A 100%vegetable curry roux finished without using any animal raw materials such as animal fats and oils or bouillon extract. The raw material oil uses organic vegetable oils and focuses on the content of oleic acid. It is important to take oil in a well -balanced manner. Let's prepare the uneven oil intake balance by actively incorporating oleic acid. ● We use 19 kinds of spices and organic vegetable oils and oils. ● Chemical seasoning, sour flavor, coloring, fragrance are not used. ● 100%plant material finished without using any animal raw materials such as animal fats and oils or bouillon extract. ● The ratio of oleic acid was raised as much as possible (15%in product, 55%of lipids). ● The spiciness is sweet for children, but by adding the attached spicy spices, it will be as spicy.
1,080 JPY
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