Ace Cock A well -eaten Ajigatari Saburo Ra Ra Ginger Soy Sou Ginger Ramen 91g × 12 pieces

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Product Introduction Product Introduction The popular restaurant "Genshira" of backfat ginger ramen in Hatagaya, Tokyo. A taste that evolved the local "ginger ramen" in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture. The deliciousness of the new experience with plenty of backfat and ginger. Raw ingredients, ingredients fried noodles (flour (domestic manufacturing) vegetable oils and oils salt soy sauce) Soup (back fat -produced food salted food vegetable chicken oil pork extract pork fat powdered sugar sugar gurric powder flavored seasoning powdered seasoning pork pork pork seasoning tan Powder fish soy pepper pepper gin ginger powder) kayaku (back fat -yaki pork green onion ginger)/processed dent flour -tasting (amino acids, etc.) CA carbon carbon carbon carbon carbon carbon carbon -colored carotinoid pigmentic oxidize agent (vitamin E) Acupulent Filling sugar glycosia Fine granular bixide vitamin B2 vitamin B2 vitamin B1 (containing wheat, eggs, milk ingredients, sesame, soybeans, chicken, pork, gelatin) Raw ingredients, ingredients fried noodles (flour (domestic manufacturing) vegetable oils and fat salt soy sauce ) Soup (Backfat -processed food salted salt vegetable chicken oil pork extract pork greasy gallery garlic powder flavored seasoning powdered pork pork seasoning tan white mushroom water pepper fish soy sauce pepper pepper pepper) Baked pork green onion ginger)/Processed dent flour -tasting material (amino acids, etc.) CAC carbon carbon carbonate carbon -colored sashimiosui carotinoid pigment anti -dyoxis prevention agent (vitamin E) Sour -flavored sugar granulon b2 vitamin B2 (partially Includes wheat, eggs, milk ingredients, sesame, soybeans, chicken, pork and gelatin)
1,104 JPY
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Ace cock

Ace cock