Ace Cock Katsuura Tantan Men 98g x 12 pieces

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Product introduction A cup noodle where you can enjoy the taste of Katsuura Tantan Men in Katsuura City, Chiba Prefecture. A soup with a lot of chicken and bonito -based soy sauce soup with plenty of chicken and bonito -based soy sauce soup. Used onion chicken chicken sobo shredded green onion garlic that is indispensable for ingredients. Raw ingredients and ingredients (flour flour salted white men (white flour white mushrooms soy food fiber egg white powder) soup (vegetable oils and fat soy sauce chicken / pork extract pork sugar sugar onion extract spice dadded flavored oil -seafood extract chicken oil yeast extract) Chicken soboro swell onion garlic) Processed dent flour tasting material (amino acids, etc.) Calcium carbonate carbonate carbonated carbonated pepper pigmented sugar glyced sugar carotinoid pigmentic oxidize agent (vitamin E vitamin C) Fine sour sour sour spice extract (part of the raw material (part of the raw material) Including egg mackerel)
1,780 JPY
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Ace cock

Ace cock