Ace Cock Soup Harosame Wonton 22g x 6 pieces

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Introduction of 20thnniversary! 20thnniversary! To commemorate the 20th anniversary of Miffy, you can create a fun meal with a cute package design that Miffy is snuggling up! Ace cock soup is a variety of rice balls, including the concept of "Delicious healthy just good." It is a cup soup that provides color and spread to the usual meal by aiming for the exact amount, taste, and calories to eat in combination with things. "Soup Harusame Wonton" A well -balanced Chinese soup with a slight pepper and soy sauce with the flavor of chicken and flavored vegetables. The ingredients are finished to wonton egg onion. (78kcal) Raw material / ingredient vermicelli (China manufacturing (dump powdered vinegar)) Kayaku (wonton egg onion) soup (salt sesame powdered soy sauce chicken seasoning onion powdered white mackerel solution, sugar spicy chicken powder flavored flour) /Seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Calamel pigmented sour Sour Sicarnic Salonoid Finzoicide Pox Ecoxis Prevention agent (vitamin E) spice extract (including wheat, eggs, milk, sesame, soybeans, and pork)
382 JPY
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Ace cock

Ace cock