Ace Cock Super Cup Large serving Oni Yaki Soba RED 173g x 12 pieces

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Product introduction A large -sized pear -like yakisoba, which wipes out stressful days when it becomes noisy with some noisy, has appeared. A horse with a punch that wakes up the body and heart and blows away. Raw ingredients, ingredients fried noodles (flour (domestic manufacturing) vegetable oils and oil salt soy sauce) sauce (pork fat soy sauce fermented seasoning pork extract Sugar brewed vinegar brewed vinegar spicy pork spicy pork seasoning Niboshi extract) Processed product Menma green onions)/Processing dent powdered liquor carbonated CA seasoning (amino acids, etc.) kansui carotinoid pigmented pigmented pigmented pigment oxide anti -oxide prevention agent (vitamin E) caramel pigment -pigmented polygaccharides vitamin B2 vitamin B1 (partially Includes wheat, sesame, soybeans, and pork)
1,352 JPY
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Ace cock

Ace cock