Ace Cock Super Cup soy sauce ramen when ramen is reincarnated 113g x 12 pieces

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Product introduction When reincarnated, it became a yakisoba! The popular "soy sauce ramen" and "pork kim chillamen" in the super cup brands are almost the same, and the contents are 1.5 times the contents of chicken oil and pig -kim oil. Since it is a cup that has achieved power -up that exceeds (original), every time you eat, the cheat -class horse hits the body directly, surprising, exciting, and full of stomach and heart. Raw ingredients, ingredients fried noodles (flour (domestic manufacturing) vegetable oils and oil salt soy sauce) sauce plant oil chicken chicken sugar chicken extract chicken extract chicken seasoning spicy saline saliny onion extract yeast extract seafood seasoning) /Processing dent flour tasting material (amino acids, etc.) CA CA CA CA Sake carbonated colored colored carotinoid pigmented dyoxis anti -colored agent (vitamin E) Suspended (xanantangham) Vitamin B2 vitamin B1 (partially wheat, eggs, and mackerel in vitamin B1 in・ Includes soybeans, chicken and pork)
1,231 JPY
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Ace cock

Ace cock