AGF Blendy Stick Hojicha Ore 21 bottles x 3 boxes [Hojicha powder]

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: "BLENDY" sticks that are familiar with "I'm good at cafe au lait. Blendy." Is a popular instant stick series that can be easily enjoyed with a single stick with a single stick with a single stick. AGF (Age Ef) "Blendy" Stick Hojicha Oil 21 are plenty of mug size and are the medium -sized size of a full -fledged flavor that focuses on the fragrance using a stone mill ground tea leaves that can be easily enjoyed every day. One cup is always fresh packaging stick type. Mixing with special mixers considering the best balance of roasted milk sugar. It is a stick tea that realizes the same taste. If you add half of hot water and ice on one stick, you can easily enjoy ice cream roasted tea. How to use hot: Put one stick in the cup. Pour hot water (180ml) and stir well. In the case of ice: Put one stick and hot water in the cup (90ml). Put 5-6 ice and stir well until it gets cold.
891 JPY
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