Ajisen Ramen Supervised Emperor Taiheen 8 Tonkotsu Taste

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Product Introduction of Propi Vulse, Shrimp, Shrimp, Pork, Eggs, Chicken Vegetables, Glage In Authentic Chinese Spring Spring Soup, you can easily enjoy it by pouring hot water and waiting for 3 minutes. The original Kumamoto pig bone ramen "Ajinsen" is outstandingly compatible with the soup supervised. Raw ingredients / ingredients raw ingredientsPowdered soupSalt Deneal Supreme Cabbage Squeezer Gelatin Gelatin Sugar Sugar Pork Oil Kikuri Pork Glarf the Gly Gly Gly Glyced Red Pepper Onion Powder Powder Powder Pepper Rice Rice Rice Flour Extra Food Extracted Outscetic Dequeted OKINT OKINT OKINT OKINT OKINT Breaided powdered milk corn flower rice milk/seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Trehalose sour sour oxidation agent (vitamin E) (some beef chicken chicken gelatin gelatin soybean pork pork) HarusameDenken
595 JPY
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Heavylight industry

Heavylight industry