Asahi Egoma oil 3g x 30 packets x 4 sets

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What is Egoma oil? Egoma is also known as "Junen" and is rich in α-linolenic acid, a percentage of perennial fatty acids. Egoma oil is 100 % egoma seeds, a perilla plant. Egoma oil contains an essential fatty acid α -linolenic acid, which is often deficient in modern people, and is attracting attention as an essential oil for daily diet. α-linolenic acid is also a raw material for making EPA (Aiko Sapentaen acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenic acid) in the body. Because perilla oil is easy to oxidize, it is suitable for cooking methods that do not suit heating and do not heat treatment such as salad dressing and marinade. Use 100 % Egoma seeds 1 teaspoon of small teaspoon Omega 3 can be supplied 1 day. Use only the most squeezed squeezed by low -temperature pressure. Egma oil is not an extract of chemicals, but a little pressure on the seeds so that the nutrients do not impair the nutrients. It is squeezed by squeezing it with a low temperature pressure. This method is also used for omega -3, which is vulnerable to high temperatures. Product quality control is also thoroughly safe and secure factories in Japan, and manufacturing raw materials are made of more than 70 items, such as the residual pesticide test for genetically modified manufacturing processing processing process, and uses a safe and secure raw material.
1,782 JPY
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