Asian table Kankitsu Herb Sauce (Bimak Roux & Lemongrass) 290g

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The usual menu is an Asian! This is a source featuring the scent and sourness using two types of Asian herbs and lemongrasses often used in Southeast Asia. Just add it to a full -fledged Asian menu. Put for pho or fried chicken or add to potato salad. It is also recommended to add it to Asian taste cups and cup noodles. [About two types of Asian herbs] A representative herb bimac roux (the leaves of Cobmican) that determine the scent of Southeast Asian cuisineA refreshing citrus scent in the leaves of the oranges of the oranges. Fruits are called "Kobumikan" because the surface is bumpy. 〇 LemongrassA refreshing scent similar to lemon with a perennial plant inhabiting tropical Asia.
377 JPY
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