Boiled dish Yuko Yoi Finish 1L

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■ Use "Tamarishou soy sauce" as a hidden taste based on Koikuichi Soyu. It features the body of soy sauce and body. Using triple sugar, it is a solid and sweet finish. ■ It is a boiled flavored seasoning solution. ■ Meat potatoes are particularly suitable for stewed flavors such as boiled fish of pork. Nutritional component ■ Standard analysis value ・ Salt 5.3%(W/v) ■ Nutritional component value (per 100g)Energy 184kcal water 49.1g protein 3.1g lipid 0g carbohydrate 42.9g Ash 4.9g * The above analysis and nutritional components Is not a standard value.
341 JPY
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Kikkoman food

Kikkoman food