Bourbon Elise 32 x 10

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: Product Introduction We wrapped chocolate cream and mellow white cream with a light texture wafer. Please enjoy the two deliciousness of chocolate and white. It is a long -selling product that has been loved for a long time. Cream and wafer are created so that they are not melted together when they are eaten, and there is a sense of unity when eating. Raw ingredients and ingredients, flour and ingredients Fully powdered lactose lactoscopic cocoa masque donexed linko masque dumpling (lactose sugar plant oil debris, sugar, sugar, sugar, milk milk, milk -sucky, sucky, sugar, sugar, sugar, saccharides, oak powl, dairy, powdered, powdered, flour, flour, flower, flower, flower, food processing, food processed water, food processed oil, edible food, food. Cocoa Powder Salt -salt firing candy butter -emulsifier Parked coloring coloring (caramel calotenoidal con) Sorbitol trehalose seasoning (nucleic acid, etc.)
790 JPY
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