Bourbon Slover rich coconut milk 41g x 54 pieces

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: It is a nutrition -adjusted food that focuses on "satisfaction (abdominal feeling)" that can be eaten easily and can easily eat the nutrients that can be eaten easily and fill the stomach quickly. Coconut milk powder and coconut chip are rich coconut milk -flavored cookies with rich and large chocolate chips. You can consume 10 kinds of vitamins a day required * 1 of about 1/3 of calcium and iron for 10 kinds of vitamins. Although it is the same calories as sugar, it contains sugar (parachinose (R)) that is slowly digested and absorbed, and has a long lasting feeling. * 1: Nutrient display reference values ??are used as a guide. Palachi North (R) is a registered trademark of Mitsui Sugar Co., Ltd.
2,285 JPY
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