Breakfast lab gluten -free red rice granola (1 bag 200g x 1 bag) Domestic additive -free organic organic non -oil

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: [Use red rice by Hyogo prefecture adoptive father. Natural gluten -free red rice granola. ] ■ I want to choose additive -free foods as much as possible. I want to incorporate gluten -free flour -free ones into the body. We are looking for ingredients that can naturally replenish dietary fiber. You can't continue unless it's delicious. What many people wanted was [healthy and delicious things]. It was born from these many voices. ■ Simple flavor and solid texture. Unlike commercially available granola, white sugar and flour -derived materials are not used. Only seven carefully selected ingredients such as adoptive father red rice and organic oats shredded almonds are used. Finished with a simple flavor with tenta sugar. Raw ingredients and ingredients Organic oats wheat with organic pumpkin Seed sugar sugar without bleaching Coconut Fine Almond Dry Clanberry Nedged Father Red rice
625 JPY
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Breakfast lab

Breakfast lab