Budwa 3rd year 2021 New Habanori 1 bag 10 pieces 10 pieces are Baba Nori Shin -Katsuura City Fisheries Authorized Bids 100 % 1 Match Haba Haba Bushu Boso Boso Chiba New Year Blue Sorihaba

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When it turns green slowly and green, it will be handed into a hot zoni and shaved it with the clause. It has long been said that the New Year cannot be greeted without "Haba Zoni", mainly for fishermen. When the water temperature drops, the nori grows, the growth of the seaweed grows, and from November to the early spring, the medium length of the cold wind is about 2 cm wide and the width of about 2 cm in width is picked from the rocks and spread out to "seaweed". This area that is dried up, this season's handmade seaweed. In the past, this seafood was a precious natural seaweed that is no longer collected year by year due to climate warming and water polluted sediment. Our Haganori has delivered the authentic Habanori, which has been loved by local and Chiba for a long time. Even though it is called "Habanori", there are various prices and quality, but as a local Chiba specialty store, we are "Tianjin, which is the finest beach, which has a bidding system of fishery cooperatives in our shop. It is sold limited to 100 % of the bids of three fishery cooperatives, Higashi -Awa Fisheries Cooperative (former Tianjin Kominato Fisheries Cooperative) and Shin -Katsuura City Fisheries Cooperative and Kamogawa City Fisheries Cooperative. There are many other "Habanori" in Chiba Prefecture, such as "Buzhou", "Minamiboso", which is very cheap compared to Tianjin from Tianjin, which boasts one of the best quality in the prefecture. In consideration of the stability of the quality unique to the home and the reliability of the fishery cooperative bidding, it is called the "Habanori" of these production areas and the so -called "Hama buying" that is distributed in some parts. There is no handling of "Habanori" that has not been applied to the fish cooperative bid, so please purchase with confidence.
9,990 JPY
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