Calbee Frugra 750g x 6 bags

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: Product Introduction Frugra is a dietary serial that mixes colorful fruits in a granola that carefully baked grains such as oats barley barley brown rice in an exquisite balance. Dietary fiber and 8 kinds of iron vitamins are also perfect for the body and crispy texture is perfect for waking up in the morning. Raw ingredients, ingredients, oats (Australia or Finland or Finnish) Rye flour dried fruit (papaya raisin apple strawberry) flour coconut maltz treble vegetable vegetable water -soluble dietary fiber flower pumpkin pumpkin pumpkin seeds almond powdered salt fried rice brown rice powdered sugar / glycerin Ironic acid iron sour sour oxidation anti -oxidant (vitamin e -rosemary extract) processed starch ca vitamin B6 vitamin B6 Vitamin D vitamin B12
2,250 JPY
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Calbee Co., Ltd.

Calbee Co., Ltd.