Calbee Frugra Sugar off 600g x 6 bags Serial

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: Product Introduction Calbee Frugra is a granola that focuses on the taste and nutrition of cereals such as oats barley barley. The granola fabric uses almonds for soy milk toppings to make the ingredients useful while modesting sweetness. Convenient for preservation We support your daily healthy life with a delicious carbohydrate off a busy morning. It is a set of 6 convenient for bulk purchase. Raw ingredients and ingredients soybean protein (not genetically modified) oats and vegetable oil coconut martex dextrine dried fruits (raisin strawberries) almond water -soluble dietary fiber flour flour milk rosaccharides syrup almond powder pumpkin pumpkin seed rice flour Corn flower salt fluffy fluffy fluffy /Glycerin carbonated Ca -carbonated Denpungken acid iron -emulsifier antioxidant (vitamin E rosemary extract) CA sour sour sour sour vitamin B6 vitamin B1 Casein Na (derived from milk) Vitamin D vitamin B12
2,067 JPY
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