Calbie Beguitu Easy Salad Salad Taste 55g x 3 bags

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: Product introduction fun! Delicious! Vegetable snacks. It is a heart -shaped snack with five kinds of green and yellow vegetables, three kinds of green, yellow and red and the taste of moderate vegetables. The three colors and heart shaped can taste cute and enjoyable vegetables. Can you find a red heart of about twice the size!? Each bag per 55g (Energy 282kcal protein 2.8.3g fat 14.3g carbohydrate equivalent 0.9g) Raw material / ingredients / ingredients, flour plant oil flour flour flour pumpkin pumpkin red pepper red pepper paste Peppers Sugar Pumpkin Powder Matapasted Matapast Salt Sugar Red Sugar Red Beat Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Powder Say Yeast Extract Powder Konbu Expower Expower Mushroom Expower / Calcium Carbonate Carbonate Seasoning (Amino Acids, etc.) Prevention of Soyalmic Seasonal (Vitamin E)
690 JPY
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