Calbie Megura 700g x 6 bags

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: Product introduction Outstanding chewing response with a faint sweetness and fragrance! "Megura" is a granola that carefully baked five types of grains such as oats barley barley brown rice. Since the dried fruits are not included, you can fully enjoy the deliciousness of granola fabric. Please enjoy the excellent sweetness and fragrance crunchy. Large capacity size containing 700g. (50g per meal) Energy: 225kcal protein: 4.2g Lipid: 8.6g Cholesterol: 0mg Carbohydrate: 35.1g Sugar : 5.6mg Vitamin A: 288 μg Vitamin D: 2.06 μg Vitamin B1: 0.45 mg Niacin: 4.9 mg Vitamin B6: 0.49 mg Vitamin B12: 0.90 μg folic acid: 90 μg Pantothenic acid: 1.8 mg raw material / ingredients, ingredients, ingredients, components, wheat flour flour flour flour coconut flour coconut flour. Dextrin Vegetable Oil Water -soluble -soluble dietary fiber flower almonds salt and wheat bran brown rice flour/Na -emulsifier antioxidant (vitamin E) Cazin Na (derived derived) Vitamin A vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B6 Vitamin B1. B12
1,550 JPY
In stock


