Calbie Megura 700g x 6 bags serial

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: Product Introduction Otsu It is a granola with 5 types of grains, including rice ray barley rice. Because it does not contain dried fruits, you can fully enjoy the deliciousness of granola fabric. Please enjoy the excellent sweetness and fragrance crunchy. It is a set of 6 convenient for bulk purchase. Ingredients, ingredients, oats, flour flour, wheat, wheat, flour, flour, flour, flour, flour, flour, flour, flour, martzline oil, rice flour, water -soluble dietary fiber, flour, flour, flour, flour, and salted saline, and ironed rice flour denpunkenic acidic agent (vitamin E) casinin Na (bilk ) Vitamin A Vitamin B6 Vitamin B1 folic acid Vitamin D Vitamin B12
1,669 JPY
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