CHAYA Macrobiotics Soy milk Mayo 200g x 5 pieces

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Domestic soy and flavor like mayonnaise using domestic soybeans without eggs. No cholesterol zero sugar -free additives. ● Attached ingredients ・ Domestic soy soy milk ・ ・ ・ Used 100%soybeans from Hokkaido. Soy milk made of smooth well water of Chichibuyama underwater water.・ Rapes oil of the squeezing method ・ ・ ・ Rapid oil purified by the water washing method of the most squeezed oil squeezed by the traditional squeezing method.・ Apple vinegar made of domestic apple juice ... Uses domestic apple juice. Mumaranani apple vinegar brewed slowly and prepared.・ 100%seawater salt ... Sweet traditional sea salt made from Izu Oshima's seawater with an old -fashioned manufacturing method by sun and flat pots.
1,294 JPY
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CHAYA Macrobi Foods

CHAYA Macrobi Foods