Chocolat BB Royal 2 50ml x 30 bottles [designated quasi -drug]

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: Introduction of Precautions Precautions for use 1. If the following symptoms appear after taking the following symptoms, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor or registered seller with this product. Please do skin: Rash digestive organs: stomach discomfort 2. If the following symptoms may appear after taking, stop taking this product if such symptoms are persistent. Please consult a doctor or registered seller 3. If you do not improve the symptoms after taking it for a while, stop taking it and consult a doctor pharmacist or registered seller. Maintaining and improving physical strength or concentration Recovery and prevention of fatigue Improvement and prevention of physical problems associated with weak constitution (including aging)E Prevention: Easy to get tired E Rain of fatigue E No physical strength E Heavy body E Body is lazy (rough skin E Dry skin) Escape -resistant diseases due to fever after illness. Nutritional supplements such as nursing period or after childbirth Usage / dose adult (15 years old or older) Please take one bottle (50 ml) once a day. Please follow the usage and dose. (When using products containing other vitamins, etc. at the same time, be careful of overdose, etc.) 1 bottle (50 ml) Vitamin B2 phosphate 15 mg vitamin B610mg Vitamin B1 nitrate 10mg royal zellylic tinky 300 mg (royal jelly) 300 mg as 300 mg) taurine 1000mg glycine 50 mgl-arginine hydrochloride 100 mgl-licin hydrochloride 100 mg toeu leaf flow extract 0.06 ml (60 mg as a tochu leaf) Nythetic Amide 40 mg of caffeine hydrate 50 mg of hydrate 50 mg ethyl vanisholine saccharidic acid. Na Banillin Para Ben Properen Properen Glycolic Acessorfam KDL-Alanine Elyslitol Scralose Propylic acid Propylate DL-apple acid (alcohol 0.49 ml or less) (1) This drug may be turbid because it contains a crude drug extract, but it is effective. Is no different. (2) Urine may become yellow depending on taking this drug, but there is no worry because the vitamin B2 contained in this drug is absorbed and part of it is excreted in urine. Precautions for storage and handling (1) Store in a cool place where direct sunlight is not exposed. (2) Store in a place where children are out of reach. (3) Do not replace it with another container. (Causes of misuse or change quality.) (4) Do not use products that have passed the expiration date. Ingredients and ingredients 1 bottle (50 ml) Ingredients Vitamin B2 phosphate 15 mg Vitamin B610mg Vitamin B1 nitrate 10mg Royal zly Linchinki 300 mg (300 mg as royal jelly) taurine 1000 mg Glycine 50 mg-arginine 100 mg-ricinated hydrochloride 100 mg-ricinated hydrochloride 100 mg ML (60 mg as a chochu leaf) Amide nicotinkate 40 mg caffeine hydrate 50 mg of mizzard Na ethyl bunraciline fructose quenchenate Na ethyl bunroglin sacred quenchenate Na bunrin para pyranopilene glycol Acessulfam KDL-Alanin erythritol scralarose immersed in immersion. Alcohol 0.49ml or less)
2,943 JPY
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