Chocolate BB Hyper 50ml x 10 [specified quasi -drug]

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: Product introduction 1. In the following cases, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor or pharmacist with this product. Rash stomach discomfort 2. The following symptoms may appear, so if these symptoms continue or enhancement, stop taking it and consult a doctor or pharmacist. Diarrhea designated quasi -drugs I want to do my best now! To you. Contains a total of 13 active ingredients, including Vitamin B, amino acids, taurine, and royal zly linering galana. It has a refreshing feeling in the body and is easy to drink for women. Precautions / effects for use: Nutritional supplementation in the case of physical fatigue, after illness, afternoon, nutritional disorder, heat -generated consumable diseases, pregnancy lactation periods, etc. Nutrition tonic Family raw ingredients and ingredients (50 ml (50 ml) (50 ml) ) Central vitamin B2 phosphatec 15mg vitamin B6 E E E 10mg vitamin B1 nitrate E E E 10mg royal zlylie tinkle E E E 300 mg (300 mg as royal jelly) taurine E E E 1200 mg glycine E E E 50 mgl-alginine hydrochlorideE E 150mgl-Licin hydrochloride E E E 100mg Garana style extract E E E 0.15 ml (150 mg as garana) carrot drying extract E E E 41.4 mg (600 mg as carrot) Jotei extract E E E 62.5 mg (250 mg as jotei) Amide nicotinate ... 40mg caffeine hydrate ... 45 mg additives Na ethyl bunrinkline Na ethyl bunrinkline ethylate ethyl bunrinklinic acid ethylanate Na glycerin bunrill pyranulinulicolicol fragrance Acessoru fam K erythritol scratch Stevia extracted Dluar DL-Propille Applingic acid (alcohol 0.4 ml or less) Usage usage / dose: Adult (15 years old or older) Take one bottle (50 ml) once a day. Note (exemption)> Please read the store manager: Takayuki Onishi (registered seller) TEL: 06-6556-6663 Business hours: AM9: 00-PM6: 00
1,391 JPY
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