Chocolate cracked chocolate mixed milk more 12 kinds 1.0kg Tokyo Jiyugaoka Chube de Chocolat White Day

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: [Milk -based] ★ 12 kinds of popular cracked chocolate of Chube de Chocolat! ★ This is a set with 12 kinds of cracked chocolate of Chubu de Chocolat, Tokyo, which is also hot on magazines and television. It is a translation that includes small scratches, but it is very good with a large capacity of 1kg! For trials and parties with friends! You can choose from two types: "Milk Large", which has a large amount of milk type and "Bitter More", which has a large amount of bitter type. All chocolates of Chube de Chocolat clear the "Couber Tulle" condition of international standards. You can enjoy the same mouthfeel as high -end chocolate in Europe. [Set contents] Cracked chocolate milk/bitter/milk makadami nuts/milk marble/Bitter marble/whole almond puff/tiramisu/bitter strawberry murble/milk crunch/bitter crunch/milk waffle/bita/waffle * 12 types are one bag enter. Each amount is not equal, but it always contains 12 types. We will enter a bag with a chuck that is convenient for saving, put it in a highly shaded bag, and deliver it by cool flight. Contents] 1kg [Shelf expiration date] 7 months raw ingredients: [Milk] Sugar, full milk, octopus, cake, emulsifying agent, Banila Betar, breakhole milk, non -milk fat, hoopader, full milk, dairy, mastrin, emulsifier, banilaマカダミア】砂糖,全粉乳,マカダミアナッツ,ココアバター,カカオマス,乳化剤,バニラ【ミルクまるごとアーモンドパフ】砂糖,アーモンド,全粉乳,カカオマス,ココアバター,米パフ,乳化剤,バニラ【ティラミス】砂糖,ココアバター, Ca masu, full milk, masquer) paddar, oat powdered milk, non -milk fat, hoopader, deck, core powder, fragrance, fragrance (banila, masquer) colored ingredients (pour pigments)カカオマス乳化剤バニラ【ビタークランチ】カカオマス砂糖米パフココアバター乳化剤バニラ【ビターイチゴマーブル】カカオマス砂糖ココアバター全粉乳乳化剤バニラ色素E124【ミルクワッフル】砂糖,ココアバター,全粉乳,小麦粉,カカオマス,植物油脂,食塩, Emulsifier, fragrance, caramel, anateau pigment [Betarian] Sugar, cats, flour, octopus, bata, vegetable oils, salt, banila, emulsifying agent, fragrance, caramel, anateau pigment (containing milk, soybeans in a part of raw materials)
1,717 JPY
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Kakaya Chubei Shoten

Kakaya Chubei Shoten