CJ Japan Bulgogi Goki -Sweet -840g x 2 pieces

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Product Introduction The taste of the authentic taste is "pear", so the meat becomes softer and you can enjoy the natural sweetness of the pear. By soaking the meat, the sauce soaks the meat and makes it easy to make juicy meat dishes. You can make various arrangement menus such as beef pulgust pork pork pulgogi as well as pulci chapche pork. Raw ingredients, ingredients, soy sauce pulp pure sugar pure sugar sour sugar sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar saccharide sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sour sugar sacred sacred sacred sacred sodium sodium glutamate sodium glycxic lodgee kusan acid doll karamel pigment 5'-ribonucure two sodium precautions (exemption) Please avoid and store at room temperature.
940 JPY
In stock


CJ Japan

CJ Japan