Product Introduction Craft 100%Parmesan Caiser dressing using parmesan cheese. The classic Caesar salad made of grilled chicken and romaine lettuce is rich and full -fledged. From a craft blend that boasts more than 100 years of history. A cheese dressing brand that is exquisitely blended with carefully selected cheese and raw materials.原材料・成分 食用植物油脂砂糖醸造酢チーズ食塩加塩卵黄ファットスプレッドチーズフード香辛料濃縮レモン果汁酵母エキスパウダーチキンエキス脱脂粉乳おろしにんにくアンチョビ調製品/調味料(アミノ酸)増粘剤(キサンタン)乳化剤(一部にIncluding eggs, milk ingredients, soybeans, chicken)