Domestic Gomon Kama Meshi no Matomoto, which is delicious with yamamori salt, is 218g x 5 pieces

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Product Introduction The features and taste of our boasting "Matchedashi" are cut in salt (sodium) 30%. Carrot burdock oil fried Eringi Konjac contains 5 kinds of ingredients. All the ingredients were particular about domestic products. One box is 3 to 3 to 4 rice. * Our "Colored Gomon Kama Meshi" ratio * Poliglutamic acid is used to adjust salty with natto (thread pulling) ingredients. 1 box (218g)Energy 155kcal protein 10.5g lipid 3.3g carbohydrate 20.7g sodium 2544 mg of potassium 1428 mg Salt equivalent 6.5g raw ingredients and ingredients・ Sugar powdered bonito extract/seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Calcium chloride [dashi] soy sauce processed (soy sauce (including wheat and soybeans)) Salt and bonito extract shaving mackerel shaving bushimuro shaving bushibushi katsubushi tsukatsubushi (crushed) dried bamboo (including wheat and soybeans) Konbu Extract Shiitake Extract/Seasoning (Inorganic Salt, etc.) Alcoholic acid Increase (Kissantan) Politamic acid
563 JPY
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