The Hijiki collected in Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture has been dried. All products are processed at HACCP certification factories in Kumamoto Prefecture. Dried hijiki seaweed collecting only from "Amakusa Kumamoto Japan" Serving Per Container 100g. IngredientsDried Hijiki. ManufactureTakagi kaisou Co., Ltd.1536-10 Sasawaramachi Uto City, Kumamoto Prefecture, Japan. storage InformationStore in a Cool, Dry place. 原材料・成分 原材料:ひじき 栄養成分(100gあたり):エネルギー155kcal/タンパク質13.2g/脂質2.5g/炭水化物58.9g/食塩相当量3.4g IngredientsDried Hijiki. Nutritional Informationtypical values ??per 100g Calories 155kcal /Protein 13.2g/TOTAL FAT 2.5g/TOTAL CARBOHYDRATE 58.9g/How to use it after 5 to 10 minutes before use.