Rice Bran "Healthy Beauty" is a rice bran grown from rice cultivated by pesticide -free rice (zero pesticide chemical fertilizer) that does not use organic rice or pesticide chemical fertilizer at all. Raw material, ingredients, no pesticide -free organic rice brown rice bran bags used in baths. Put the rice bran in a cotton bag and rub it with hot water in the bath. Rice bran ingredients are absorbed from the skin. If you wipe your body instead of soap with a rice Nuka bag, your skin will be smooth and you will have a beautiful skin effect. Rice bran pack. Do the rice bran pack once a week. Body lotion of rice bran. Use rice bran. Put rice bran in a bag and use cold water. Caution (exemption)> Be sure to read the pesticide -free organic rice bran. Depending on the timing of your order, you may not be able to deliver according to the delivery date.