Eye Clone Balance Milk 320g Powder Milk Baby [0 months to 1 year old]

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: Product Introduction [Product introduction] 1 Taste, color, and fragrance close to breast milk ● Contains the same lactose as "light and sweet" breast milk close to breast milk. ● Same as "yellow" as "yellow" as "yellow", the same color of the first milk, the same as the first milk (first milk). This yellow color is a pigment called β-carotene, which contains many in the first milk of breast milk. ● The “fragrance” that is close to breast milk, which is the main ingredient, is particular about dairy products and edible fats and oils, so each ingredient is closer to breast milk, so the “fragrance” is close to breast milk. 2 Sodium -like sodium as well as breast milk, so it is the same sodium amount as breast milk, so it is a delicate body -friendly milk of the baby. * Converted sodium amounts taken for 9 months (as 230 liters of mammals) to salt volume (salt-converted sodium amount G × 2.54) 3dha α-Linolenic acid α for egma oil eyequelo milk. -Contains egoma oil containing linolenic acid. This α-linolenic acid turns into DHA in the baby's body. 4. Garcact oligosaccharide, which increase bifidobacteria, contains oligosaccharides that increase bifidobacteria. Eye clap milk contains galact oligosaccharides, which are also included in breast milk. 5 Contains five major nucleotides in breast milk necessary for developing nucleotide babies, which are useful for healthy babies. [Safety and secure quality assurance] International food safety management system FSSC22000 The Kashiwara Plant has obtained a certification of milk is produced under thorough quality control. [Milk developed by the Pediatrician Group is the origin of the development] In 1913, the milk developed by the pediatrician group is the origin of the eye clown, developed by the pediatrician group from a strong desire to "milk close to breast milk". Since its release, we have been pursuing milk making close to breast milk, an ideal nutrition for babies, under strict quality control. [Nutritional ingredients (per 100g)] Energy 523kcal protein 12.0g fat 28.0g carbohydrate equivalent 0.30g Vitamin B1 0.9 mg Vitamin B2 0.9 mg Vitamin B2 0.3 mg Vitamin B6 0.3 mg Vitamin D 8.5 mg Vitamin C 60 mg Vitamin C 60 mg Vitamin CビタミンE 6.0mgビタミンK 25μgナイアシン 5.0mg葉酸 80μgパントテン酸 4.3mgビオチン 16μgカルシウム 350mgリン 220mg鉄 7.1mgカリウム 450mgマグネシウム 37mg銅 0.37mg亜鉛 2.9mgβ-カロテン 190μgイノシトール 50mgリノール酸 3.3gα-リノレン酸 0.6g塩素310mg Colin 50mgin lipid 220mg taurine 30mg Nucleotide 20mg Sphin trash liner Erin 40mg galacte oligosaccharides 0.5g Ash 2.2g water 2.0g [Dear ratio (per 100g)] Milk component 71.3g Adjusted fat 27.3g oligosaccharide 0.5g Vitamin / mineral 0.9g Major mixture] Milk ingredients other than milk or dairy products (lactose) ... 22.9% Meat fat (separated lard Orezo oil oil palm oil palm olaine oil leshin) ... 27.3% sugar other than lactose (Galact oligo Sugar): 0.5% [Allergic substances contained in raw materials (among 27 items)] Milk ingredients / soybeans (exemption)> Be sure to read ・ Be sure to wash your hands before tampering.・ Milk should be used by babies with immature infection defense functions, so be sure to use hot water of 70 degrees or more while paying attention to the handling of bacteria mixed in the time of tasting.
582 JPY
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Glico Ezaki

Glico Ezaki