Ezaki Glico Nabe -nani Nani Azuzui no Moto 40.8g x 10 pieces

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Introduction of the hot pot 〆 〆 ぞ ぞ 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手 手. It is a fragrant "liquid" finish like a grilled crab. The "ingredients" are colorful and colorful. It is a convenient dish for a meal on a cold day, of course, after drinking alcohol or when you have no appetite. Raw ingredients and ingredients ● Fish meat slaughter Product products onion rice Salvit seasoning (amino acids, etc.) Coloring (red koji carotinoid pigment) anti -oxidant (vitamin E) (containing wheat and soybeans in part of the raw material) ● Shogunate oil, extracted salt, white mushrooms, sugar sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar water, and extract konbu extract seasoning (amino acids, etc.) alcohol sour fragrance (containing wheat and shrimp in part of raw materials)
648 JPY
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Glico Ezaki

Glico Ezaki