Food Snaga. Fine Curry Flake Fine Curry Flake 120g x 2 pieces

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Curry flakes that do not use animal raw materials that are particular about both "healthy!" And "delicious!" Chemical seasoning coloring preservatives preserved emulsifying agent fragrances are also added. In addition, the sweetness and richness of nature are given with fruits and kelp without using sugar. By blending more than 18 kinds of spices and adding fragrant Garam Masala, it is finished in a full -fledged taste. As it is flakes, it can easily melt quickly and can be used easily for seasoning various dishes. 1 Gluten -free [Brown rice powder powder white sorgam Used rice flour] 2 Animal raw material is not used 3 No sugar [Date puree used] 4 chemical seasoning ingredients are not added 5 Trans fatty acids 5 trans fatty acids. Consideration for [Use coconut oil] 6 calories 20%off carbohydrate 15%off 7 18 kinds of spices are finished in full -fledged taste that can be satisfied with curry lovers.
583 JPY
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Food Snaga.

Food Snaga.