Fukushima Meat Store Fastest Spice Ki (80g in bottle)

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Product Introduction Olegano Olegano Olegano, a pepper salt garlic paprika onion red pepper oregano, is a versatile spice with soy sauce. Steak Yakiniku Yakitori soup Saladhata Hampasta is a spice that complements the ingredients by sprinkling when cooking. It is also convenient when eating tempura sashimi natto. Please try various things such as sprinkling rice as it is. Raw ingredients and ingredients / Pepper Garlic soy sauce Paprient bell pepper bonito bonito bonito ion powder chili pepper chili pepper chili pepper pepper parsley majolum oregano basil seasoning (including amino acids) (including soy flesh in part of the raw material) Caution (exemption) Please allergySoybow and wheat
300 JPY
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Fukushima butcher shop

Fukushima butcher shop