Funabashiya Genso Kuzu Mochi Middle Box (for 2-3 people) No additive -free fermented food souvenir souvenir souvenirs long -established sweets

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: Kuzomi is a lactic acid bacterium fermentation refined for 15 months and carefully steamed one by one using carefully selected wheat starch. The manufacturing method has been inherited for 200 years from the past in Edo. And the exquisite taste created by adding secret brown molasses and fragrant yellow powder has been popular not only as Kameido Tenjin but also as a specialty of Tokyo. The expiration date is only two days to enjoy the freshly made without additives. I value this time for the moment of the moment. Kuzu mochi 4 features ① 450 days of lactic acid bacteria fermentation ② Natural aging completely additive -free ③ Gluten content is less than 3 ppm I was selected. * Japan Marketing Research Organization Investigation Survey Overview: October 2020 Ingredients notation] "per box (including black honey and kinako) heat volume 864kcal protein 10.3 g lipid 7.4g carbohydrate equivalent 0.1g (estimated value)" Product price 10,000 yen or more, free shipping on the same place 。 * Kuzu mochi and anmitsu are also available, but Kuzu mochi is a room temperature item, so if you refrigerate it for a long time, the mochi will be hard. If you accept this, you can send it on the refrigerated cool flight. * If you wish to send a separate shipping, please purchase the refrigerated cool flight products for regular temperature flights.
475 JPY
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