Glico 1 year old infant eating white fish octave vegetables x 5 boxes

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: Product introduction ● Add eggs to loosened white fish and vegetables and finish it mellowly. I have a little sesame oil. ● For children whose back teeth have begun to grow. ● The size of the ingredients suitable for the chewing practice period is the solid shape. ● Finished with a light taste that takes into account the taste formation. ● 13 kinds of vegetables and calcium iron. ● Color preservatives No fragrance chemical seasonings are not used. Raw ingredients, ingredients, vegetables (carrot rice onion cabbage cabbage sweet corn burden) Egg sesame oil oily oil oyster oil oblet extract konbu extristed chicken bouillon powder pumpkin pumpkin paste paste paste paste/gut -increased agent (processed denpunkyan) glucon acid pyrolacon acid Some eggs, wheat, soybeans, chicken, pork and sesame are included)
500 JPY
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Glico Ezaki

Glico Ezaki