Haragi Donko Shiitake 80g × 4 320g Kumamoto Prefecture Dry Shiitake Mushroom Dry Taudon Kokata

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Dried on the same day on the day when the natural shiitake mushrooms grown in raw wood cultivation were harvested. Furthermore, the finish drying processing is gradually increased and dried over about 24 hours. It is a dried mushroom that grows slowly when it is cold. It is rich in the umami of shiitake mushrooms, which is rich in Guanilic acid, and is delicious even if it is boiled or fried. Shiitake mushrooms are outstanding nutritious and effective for health. Please enjoy Shiitake mushrooms made by Kumamoto and Oita producers.
1,620 JPY
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Foody's Co., Ltd.

Foody's Co., Ltd.