Hayakawa soy sauce match 1kg

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: Product Introduction This is Hayakawa classic combination. The feature of Hayakawa's "Raiso" is made by non -heating, so useful bacteria (yeast and lactic acid bacteria) are alive. Because it is long -term low -temperature aging, the goodness is different. At the stage of koji, we combine wheat miso and rice miso. The rich flavor peculiar to wheat miso and the light taste unique to rice miso were blended moderately. Save it in the refrigerator because it does not contain preservatives. It is the richness of wheat and the sweetness of the rice. Raw material / ingredient barley soybean rice salt caution (exemption)> Please read allergic substances: Please save in the refrigerator because it does not contain soy preservatives.
330 JPY
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Hayakawa soy sauce

Hayakawa soy sauce