Hikari Miso Circle Koji no Somiso Juice 10 Meals x 4 bags

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Product Introduction It is an instant miso soup full of koji with a rich scent and flavor that Koji Koji is brewed. The miso is a gentle flavor without using chemical seasonings mainly with Obushi, Soda bonito, and kelp dashi, which only uses our own brewed "Rippling Kojimiso" *. The ingredients are four kinds of assortments"Wakame", "Tofu", "spinach" and "green onion".
* "Additive -free mature Kijimiso" is an additive -free miso that represents Hikari miso prepared by organic soybean domestic rice salt. Wakame ingredients per meal (19.5g) protein1.9g Lipid0.8g Carbohydrate5.2g sodium755 mg (salt equivalent)1.9g 1 meal (19.5g) protein per protein1.9g lipids0.9. G carbohydrates5.1g sodium775 mg (salt equivalent)2.0g per spinach per meal (19.5g) Type per protein2.0g carbohydrate5.0g sodium753 mg (salt equivalent)1.9 g long 1.8g of green onion (19.4g) Protein1.8g Lipid0.9g Carbohydrate5.2g Sodium742 mg (equivalent to salt)1.9G Please read> Please be sure to read as soon as possible. please
435 JPY
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Hikari miso

Hikari miso