Ibo Ito Ito Teon Noodle Noodles Advanced (Red Belt) Old (5kg: 50g x 100 bundles) [K-N]

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Product NameHanding Somen Raw Material NameFlour Flour Salt Salt Eood Vegetable Opera Contents5kg Product Size34.5 × 20.5 × 10.5cm (Ball box) Advanced product (red belt)From the end of October to the end of March. It is a good product of hand -extended noodles made in 2 day and night for 36 hours. I laid it down for one year and aged. By lying down, the umami comes out, the smell of the oil comes off and the stiffness becomes stronger. Noodle thickness 0.70 ~ 0.90mm1 Bundle 400 ~ 440 Bundle production time October to April Preservation methodSave to avoid high -temperature and humidity (be careful of incense) Shelf expiration dateDescribed in the product label separatelyHyogo prefecture Somen Association's Association Hine (Old)The one made in a well -managed warehouse, which is created every year, is called "Hine (old)" in a well -managed warehouse. Banshu Tein Extended Noodles, Ibo's thread, Ivo -no -Tou, Ibo thread, Ibo Noh, Ibonite raw ingredients, ingredients flour flour salt.
3,425 JPY
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Ibo Ito Ito

Ibo Ito Ito