If you go instantly, pickles (radish 300g x 3 times)

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V If you go instantly, pickle 90g (300g of radish × 3 times). This name was named because the amazake koji on the surface was built. (Quoted from Wikipedia) If you use the sweetness of rice koji powder, you can easily pick up pickles. 300g of radish (about 1/3) is soaked in one time. The radish in winter is more sweet and delicious. Product namev If you take instant seats, pickle contents of pickles90g (radish 300g × 3 times) Raw ingredientsstarch decomposition food saline saline saline saline reddenated malt sugar sugar sugar sugar protein fermented seasoning pork extract seasoning (amino acids) Sweetness (stevian fronet) antioxidant (vitamin C) Increase (Kissantangham) Allergic itemsBreasted soybean gelatin wheat pork pork bast expiration date12 months from the date of manufacture (listed on the package) Preservation methodLearn high temperature and humidity and avoid high -temperature and humidity at room temperature. Please save raw ingredients and ingredients dextrin (domestic manufactured Thai manufacturing) Salt rice koji powdered end -of -six end -of -end rip -off maltose syrup composite seasoning (dextrin protein additional hydrolysis pork extract yeast extract edible vegetable oil) / Seasoning (amino acid) Sweetness (stevian fronet) antioxidant (vitamin C) Increased agent (kissantangham) (including milk, wheat, soybeans, gelatin, and pork) (1) Radon 300g of peeled cut. Prepare and put it in a plastic bag. (2) Add one bag of this product so that the plastic bag is well shaken and mixes the entire radish. (Add a tablespoon of sugar if you like) (3) Remove the air in the plastic bag, close the bag base and save it in the refrigerator. After about half a day, when water comes out of the radish, remove the air again and close the mouth of the bag and put it in the refrigerator. (4) You can pickle it in about a day. Please drain and eat without washing. Once pickled, pickle can be stored in the refrigerator without putting it out of the pickled solution and you can enjoy it for about 10 days. Safety Warning [Allergic items] Milk ingredients wheat gelatin pork
160 JPY
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Health and production industry Co., Ltd.

Health and production industry Co., Ltd.