: [Product Name] ・ Kikkoman and Luxury Meni [Contents] ・ 450ml [Preservation Method] ・ Avoid direct sunlight and store at room temperature. (Before opening) [Handling after opening] ・ After opening, be sure to save it in the refrigerator and use it as soon as possible. [Manufacturer] ・ Raw ingredients in Hokkaido Kikkoman Co., Ltd. ・ Honju (Honzo brew) (including soybeans) (including soybeans) Grape sugar sugar sugar salted, fried grain, salted salted liquid sugar tuna (bonito luminous wandering tuna tuna tuna katsukatsu katsuo) yeast extract vinegar brewing Kelp extract Extract Extract Salmon Extract Alcohol Vitamin B1 * Soy sauce raw soybeans are not genetically modified.