Iwate Special Cultivation Soba

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Product Introduction This "Iwate Special Cultivation Soba" handles by Osawa Japan is characterized by a rich fragrance and a subtle sweetness without pesticides and chemical fertilizers. ■ For buckwheat porridge and smoke buckwheat miso, etc. ■ 1 to 20 % of rice. ■ "Soba Yu"Lightly roast water 4 buckwheat for soba cup 1, add a part of water, boil for 15 minutes after boiling. 。 Season with salt soy sauce miso if you like. Raw ingredients and ingredients Iwate special cultivated buckwheat 200g How to use special ingredients special cultivation buckwheat (Iwate) Iwate special cultivation Soba 200g is beautifully and carefully threshed the raw "Gensoba" shell. The grain of Taibi soba. Characteristic rich scent and subtle sweet texture and flavor. Recommended for rice cooking with 10 to 20 % of rice and buckwheat porridge smoke soba miso.
300 JPY
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Osawa Japan

Osawa Japan