Kagome Vegetable Life 100 Decopon Mix 195ml x 24 bottles

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: Product Introduction Product Introduction Kagome Vegetable Life 100 Decopon Mix 195ml is a seasonal vegetable and fruit 100%mixed juice featuring the rich fragrance of decopon and subtle sweet and sour using decoropon from Kumamoto Prefecture. You can get a vitamin C for one day ( *). The background of the package is designed with Aso Gotake, a symbol of Kumamoto, a fire country, and a rural landscape. Recommended when you want to refresh breakfast or refresh. No sugar or sweetness. * Based on the nutrient display reference value (2015). Raw ingredients, ingredients (carrots (import) Komatsuna Kale broccoli peppers spinach asparagus red jinzo rags (petit ity Mikan)/Vitamin C Fragrance Citric acid safety warning (Orange apple lemon decoropon (100 % from Kumamoto Prefecture) Umu Mandarin) / Vitamin C Fragrance Citric acid Safety Warning
978 JPY
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